PSM 1 Fanuc Alpha-i Series PSM alarm code 1

For the PSM-5.5i to PSM-15 i
Meaning The main circuit power module (IPM) has detected an abnormal condition.

Steps for troubleshooting

  1. Control supply voltage decrease of the power module (IPM) Replace the power unit.
  2. Input supply voltage imbalance Check the input power supply specification.
  3. The specification of the AC reactor does not match the PSM in use. Check the PSM and the specification of the AC reactor.
  4. IPM failure Replace the IPM.

For the PSM-15i to PSM-37i
Meaning Over current flowed into the input of the main circuit.

Steps for troubleshooting

  1. Input supply voltage imbalance Check the input power supply specification.
  2. The specification of the AC reactor does not match the PSM in use. Check the PSM and the specification of the AC reactor.
  3. IGBT defective Replace IGBT.

Fanuc power supply amplifier (drive) alarm indicated 01

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